Welcome To Atharva Valuation
We help you to discover right value of your business/investment 
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Welcome To Atharva Valuation
Your Growth Catalyst for accurate financial decisions
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Welcome To Atharva Valuation
We help to discover right value of your business
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Welcome To Atharva Valuation
Make smarter financial decisions with our valuation services
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Our Company

Atharva Valuation is a boutique Valuation Firm registered with the IBBI, offering all types of business valuation services under the class of Securities and Financial Assets class ranging from start up valuation, M&A, intellectual property rights to fair/liquidation value of corporates 

Listed Services

Valuation under the Companies Act, IBC, Start up valuations, SEBI Regulations, Ind AS Valuation for Financial Reporting, Intellectual Property Rights, Mergers & Amalgamations, etc.

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Wants to know the worth of your Business? Drop us a message.

About Us

We help clients to get success

ATHARVA VALUATION is a boutique valuation service provider company catering to the valuation requirements of corporates, particularly as a Registered Valuer under the class of Securities & Financial Assets enrolled with the statutory authority, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI). ATHARVA VALUATION is based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat having its representative offices in Mumbai, Bangalore and Dubai.

ATHARVA VALUATION (OPC) Private Limited is an extended arm of Keyur J Shah& Associates, Company Secretaries, Ahmedabad, a reputed name in the areas of Corporate Laws, NCLT, Trademarks Registration and Investment Banking Services since 2009. ATHARVA VALUATION is founded by CS IP Keyur J Shah, who is a Registered Valuer and Director of the Company with extensive experience of more than 20 years in investment banking/valuation.

We strive to offer an independent and fair valuation to our clients for their various business requirements ranging from business takeover, further investments, start-up valuations or mergers and acquisitions.

Our Staff

Our Team

Jasika Fersh



happy clients

Why Choose Us

  • Quality Valuation services at an accessible price.
  • Core field expertise in Securities & Financial Assets Class with more than 5 years of experience/ Extensive years of experience in SFA class
  • Robust expertise in handling assignments in diversified sectors such as Private Placement, ESOPs, Further Issue, Buy Back, Amalgamation/Merger/Takeover, Valuations under IBC/Liquidation etc.
  • Delivering Value at every step of your business
Our Work



Issue of Shares


Merger/ Amalgamation/Demerger


IBC Valuation


Intangible Valuation


Other Valuation (FEMA/IT/SEBI ICDR)


Few Corporates we have evaluated

Get In Touch

Please call or email contact form and we will be happy to assist you.